We are so pleased that you have visited our website. Living Word Ministries is committed to sound in-depth Bible teaching so we can know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and walk in a manner worthy of Him. We also focus on how current events match up with Bible prophecy in anticipation of the glorious return of Jesus Christ. Please review some special opportunities below and then read further details throughout this website. If you have any questions, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Whose Land is it Anyway?
Over the past several decades, the most talked about international issue is the "two-state solution" in Israel. With all of the hyperbole and misinformation surrounding Palestinian statehood, we thought it important to present a factual explanation of the history of the land. Attached is a chart containing the Biblical and historic facts and some maps describing the territorial boundaries. We must know and understand the truth of God's word and the factual history surrounding this land rather than the sound bites from the media and manipulation by world powers. Israel is God's land which He has given to His people, the Jews. Those who divide the land will be judged, according to Joel 3:2. This chart was revised in October 2023. Israel and Palestine Talking Points 2023
As a partner with Living Word Ministries, Jan Weihl is a seasoned Bible study teacher with a love for the Lord, His word, Bible prophecy and a passion for evangelism and expository teaching. In addition to her Bible classes [see the Bible study page], she publishes Bible Prophecy articles and Bible Devotions. To read these informative publications and subscribe, visit https://www.whileintheword.com.
2025 Bible Studies
Please visit our Bible Studies page for further details on each study
and for our 2025 study subjects and times.
With ceasefires in Israel, tours are now returning to the Holy Land. Therefore, we are working on the itinerary for our 2025 tour. You can read about our tentative plans on our Holy Land Tour web page. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in this trip or would like a brochure when it becomes available.
DATE: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 - 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Westside Church, 15050 West Dodge Road, Fellowship Hall [enter east door and walk straight to 4th door]
NO RSVP NECESSARY: Join us to hear about the trip and receive a brochure
God told us in advance what the day and age would look like before the return of Jesus Christ…and we are here! In my latest book, I share how 40 Bible prophecies have been fulfilled during this generation or are ready to be fulfilled at any time. No other generation has seen so many prophecies fulfilled at one time since the first coming of Christ.This book will open your eyes to understand that Jesus is Coming SOON! Are you ready? Visit our Books and Resources page to see where you can purchase the book. As we look at the world today, remember that "Things are not falling apart....they are falling into place!"
We are excited to share our Bible classes on YouTube so you can feel like you are studying the Bible right along side of us. Please click on the YouTube icon at the top right of the page.
Show your support for LIFE by displaying the new CHOOSE LIFE License Plates. Cost for a speciality plate with your choice of five letters or numbers is $40 + $3 handling per year. Price for a regular place with random numbers is $5 + $3 handling per year. The Choose Life License Plates applications are available now online at www.dmv.nebraska.gov/dvr/choose-life-plates.
"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12