Holy Land Bible Tours

Where the Bible Comes Alive  

Israel Bible Tour
October 14-25, 2025


IMG 2092 Temple Mount   


israel 2004
There is nothing quite like seeing the Bible come to life in the lands of the Bible. We are developing another unique, five star, 12 day, all-inclusive, personalized trip where we will open our Bibles at many of the 65 best sites/cities in Israel. We enjoy the best hotels, on-site teaching, Israeli licensed tour guide and learning experiences, making for an amazing spiritual journey and lots of fun along the way. Our group of about 35 allows for personal touches and wonderful fellowship. Every one of our previous tours has received the highest possible accolades from all our participants. 

This is a special opportunity to experience the awe of walking where Jesus walked. You will forever read the Bible in Technicolor after you have been to Israel.

Below is our tentative 2025 itinerary.  The March/April 2025 tour brochure is not yet finalized but will be later this year.  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or a brochure. 


preview415Day 1: Departure

We fly United Airlines  to  Tel Aviv. The transatlantic flight will allow us time to prepare spiritually for our journey, to enjoy two complete meals and to rest up for the coming days.

Day 2:  Tel Aviv to Haifa

Our plane arrives at Ben Gurion airport in Israel in the late afternoon, allowing us the opportunity to visit Jaffa where Jonah set sail from God before checking into our lovely hotel on the Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: North Central to Tiberias

We drive north along the Mediterranean Sea to Caesarea (where Peter shared the Good News with Cornelius in Acts 10) to explore the theater where Paul preached, the aqueducts, and Herod‘s palace. A panoramic view of the Jezreel Valley from Mt. Carmel, which is best known for the location where Elijah slew the Baal prophets (I Kings 18), awaits us. A unique ground-level view of the Jezreel Valley will be seen from Megiddo, the strategic location of 25+ civilizations and the location for the final Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16). We navigate our way to Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus, and stop in Cana, the location of Christ's first miracle, on the way to our beautiful hotel on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberias, where we will spend our next three nights.

Day 4:  Sea of Galilee region MtBeatitudes

Today we will truly walk where Jesus walked in the region of Galilee. An inspirational boat ride on the Sea of Galilee drops us off a kibbutz that houses the ancient Jesus Boat from Jesus’ time as well as some great shopping. We visit the Place of Peter's Primacy for a wonderful devotion on the shores of the Sea of Galilee at the location where Jesus called Peter twice to "follow Him." In Capernaum, we see the magnificent synagogue and ruins in this city where Jesus spent most of His time. On the Mt. of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee, we reflect on Jesus words on how we should live. We explore the ruins of Bethsaida before ending our day seeing the first century synagogue and Magdala stone at Magdala. After dinner, we can walk the quaint streets of Tiberias for shopping and enjoying the Jewish culture.  

IMG 2015 baptism


Day 5:  Northern Israel

A short drive to Mt. Arbel allows us a breathtaking view of the entire Galilean region where we learn about the significance of this area. Driving through the Hula Valley, we stop in Hazor, a strategic site and one of Solomon's chariot cities before continuing to Dan, the northernmost city in Israel where we will see the amazing city walls, the pagan altar and the northern gate where Abraham would have entered the Promised Land. We can even walk in Israeli bunkers on the Lebanon border. Our next stop is Caesarea Philippi at the foothills of Mt. Hermon where the waters flow southward into the Sea of Galilee. It is this city, known for pagan worship to Pan, where Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" We drive through the Golan Heights where we stop for a sobering view into Syria to help us understand the importance of that region to Israel.

Day 6:  Jordan Valley to Dead Sea

Traveling south from Tiberias, we visit the most significant Roman ruins in Israel at the Decapolis city of Beit Shean where the bodies of Saul and his three sons were fastened to the walls of the city. We visit the ruins at Jericho and see the Mt. of Temptation and the sycamore tree Zaccheus climbed. Just east of Jericho, we have the opportunity to be baptized in the Jordan River at Bethany Beyond the Jordan where Jesus was baptized. Driving past Qumran, site of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, we make our way south to our beautiful hotel on the Dead Sea.


Day 7:  Dead Sea area

We take a tram up to the top of Masada to explore the ruins of Herod's castle where the last remnant of the Jews held out against the Romans in 73 AD. An enjoyable walk through the nature preserve at En-Gedi, where David hid from Saul, allows us to see the wildlife and waterfalls in the desert. Returning to the hotel, we have the afternoon free for an optional massage, Dead Sea swim or perhaps a nap to refresh ourselves for the coming days in Jerusalem.


Israel 2017 picture

Day 8:  Desert to Jerusalem

Driving west through the Nigev desert area, our first stop is the ancient ruins of Beersheba where Abraham dedicated his well and Jacob stopped on his way to Egypt. Driving up through the middle of he country, we see the Cave of Machpelah where the patriarchs are buried in Hebron, and pick up stones in the Valley of Elah, where David slew Goliath. We visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, St. Catherine's Church, Shepherd field and shopping before preparing our hearts to go up to Jerusalem by reading the Ascent Psalms (Psalms 120-134). Upon entering Jerusalem, we overlook the city from Mt. Scopus before checking into our beautiful hotel which is just a short walk to the Old City.


IMG 2068 Bethlehem

Day 9:  Jerusalem

Today we will focus on the last days of Christ's life. We take our bus to the top of the Mt. of Olives, where we pray at the Church of the Ascension before walking to the Mt. of Olives Overlook for a group picture and teaching to better understand the history and locations we are seeing. We walk down Palm Sunday Road, stopping to at the Church of Pater Noster, where Jesus taught the Our Father prayer, Dominos Flevit Church, built where Jesus wept, the Garden of Gethsemane, the site of Jesus' final prayers where we share teaching and time for personal reflection, and ending at the Church of All Nations. After lunch by the Jaffa Gate in the Old City, we drive to the Upper Room, walk through the David's Tomb Synagogue and see the pit where Jesus spent the night at Caiaphas House. Our final stop will be to see the ruins of the Old Temple at Davidson Center before walking on the original Southern Steps of the temple mount and praying at the Wailing Wall.


Day 10: Jerusalem

We start earlier this morning to visit the Temple Mount, the current site of the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque but the original site of the Jewish Temples. Upon exiting the site, we stop at the Pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the paralytic, and sing a song in St. Anne’s Crusader Church built over the traditional site of Mary’s Mother’s death. We walk the Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross, stopping at the Ecco Homo Arch [Behold, the Man!], the Sisters of Zion hostile which is the location of the Roman Praetorian where Pilate held trial, before proceeding to the other stations of the cross [9 are Biblical and 5 are traditional] depicting Jesus' walk to Golgotha. The final stations end at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the traditional site of Jesus' death and burial. We then proceed to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City to visit the Broad Wall, built by Hezekiah for protection from the Assyrians, and the Cardo, the main road/shopping area in ancient Jerusalem. We end this magnificent day at the Garden Tomb, where we worship our Risen Savior with song, Scripture and communion.

Day 11:  Around Jerusalem

IMG 2259 Shiloh

Our final day in Jerusalem begins with a panoramic view atop Samuel's Tomb where we will see many Old Testament locations and battle grounds, Our visit to Bethel allows us to recount the dream where God spoke to Jacob. At the Israeli Museum, we will view the Holyland Model and the Shrine of the Book, housing the Dead Sea Scrolls. After lunch, we have the option of shopping in the Old City or visiting the ruins in the City of David. We end our tour in Biblical Kiriath Jearim for our farewell dinner when we share our "Aha" moment from the trip. Then, it's onward to the airport for our overnight flight home.  


Day 12:   Return Home

It is on these flights home that we finally are able to sit back and absorb all the amazing sights, sounds, new friends and spiritual adventures of this journey of a lifetime. We arrive home about noon.


Special Features of Our Tours

  • Experience 60+ of the best Biblical and historical sites/cities in Israel
  • Daily on-site Bible teaching
  • Quality 5-star hotel accommodations

  • Licensed professional tour guides
  • Whisper devices to better hear the guide and teachings
  • Group airline departure from Omaha (other cities available)
All transportation, hotels, breakfasts and dinners, sites, taxes and tips are included 
  • Personalized trip designed with your spiritual enrichment in mind
  • Maximum size of 35 people allows for fellowship and relationship building
  • Transportation in economy class on United Airline and by deluxe private motor coach with wifi [with optional upgraded airplane seating available]
  • Land prices available for those who wish to arrange their own airline reservations.


Not Included

  • Lunches except St. Peter's fish lunch
  • Beverages
  • Items of a personal nature including souvenirs
  • Optional travel insurance and/or airline upgraded seats


All participants must be physically able to walk about 4-5 miles a day without assistance on rocky and hilly surfaces, get on and off the bus by themselves and be able to transport their own luggage at the airports.

This itinerary is subject to change should time constraints or the comfort and well-being of passengers warrant it. The tours are coordinated by Living Word Tours of Living Word, Inc.

“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem…” Matthew 20:18


If you would like a brochure or are interested in further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 402-991-0818.

Living Word Ministries
P.O. Box 540003
Omaha, NE 68154-0003
[email protected]

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