Debbie Blank

*Bible Teacher *Radio Host *Prophecy Specialist

*Conference Speaker *Israel Tour Host *Ministry Director

Debbie is a popular speaker and Bible teacher who has a passion for sharing the Word of God with a practical and applicable approach. Her enthusiasm is contagious, imparting to people a desire to study the Word for themselves and to practice it, resulting in a joyful relationship with God. Debbie specializes in Bible prophecy and current events in anticipation of the soon return of Jesus Christ. In addition to her classes, books and seminars, she hosts a weekly international radio program and teaches/hosts tours to the Promised Land. She and her husband, Bob, reside in Omaha, Nebraska and have two adult sons.


Popular Programs, Conferences, and Events

Debbie's heart is to teach the Bible so all my know Jesus and to share Bible prophecies to prepare all for the SOON coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Debbie can speak on any topic or book of the Bible. Below is a small sampling of topics, workshops, or studies. 
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional topics or for your specialized requests.

Words that Hurt, Words that Heal

Did you know that “malicious gossips” are mentioned three times in the Bible and two of them relate to women? The things we say can bless people or hurt people. Which would you rather do? We ask God to change our hearts through many Biblical principles and humorous applications.


Is Jesus Christ Coming Soon?
Debbie will walk through up to 40 prophecies that have been fulfilled in the last several decades that prove Christ's soon return. No other germination has seen so many fulfilled prophecies since Christ's first coming. If Jesus indeed comes soon, will you be ready?

God's Plans for the Future
God loves us so much that He wants us to be prepared and faithful as we walk through these final days on earth. That is why He shows us His plans from the beginning to the end of time. We will walk through God's Biblical timeframe to see where we are today and what God says the future holds.


Can There Be Peace in the Middle East?

Some people believe that if Israeli and Palestine would work out a two-state solution, there would be peace in the Middle East. Is that true or are there bigger issues to consider? Is peace even possible between Israel and Palestine? This is a popular topic for civic groups as we walk through the changes in the Middle East over the past 100 years to answer that question.


Whose Land is it Anyway?

The center of the world lies in Jerusalem, God's holy city where He has written His name.  Yet that city and the country of Israel have been desputed as rightful heirs and owners of the land.  What does the Bible say and what does the rich Biblical history prove regarding this land?


What Do You Do When You Don't Know What To Do?

Usually we pick up the phone and call our friends when something happens.  God wants us to seek Him but how do we do that?  King Jehoshaphat faced an impossible situation so he shows us what to do when we are facing the giants in our lives -- and it works!!


Understanding Islam

Is Islam really a peaceful religion?  Is their Jesus the same as the Biblical Jesus?  What does their Quran say about other religions?  How has the life of Muhammed impacted the current actions and beliefs of this political and religious group?  Islam is the second largest religion in the world, with its teaching misunderstood by most in the western world.....until now.  This could be the most important seminar you ever attend. 

Help!  I Have Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!

The subtlety of backsliding, sliding down that slippery slope without even realizing it, overcomes us all at one time or another.  This popular and practical study on backsliding from the story of Lot will show us the steps of backsliding, the consequences, and the way of escape.


Do We All Really Believe in the Same God?

Are Allah, Yahweh, Jesus, Buddha and others all the same God?  Can we really follow whomever we want and still have an eternal relationship with God in heaven?  This is an important class that will clarify Biblical truth to arrive at the correct answer.

Becoming a Person After God’s Own Heart

God is looking for people whose hearts are completely His.  Do you want to be one of those people?

History of Israel

Seeing the pictures of Israel, learning the history, and understanding the events of Jesus’ life through this fascinating and highly popular power point will make the Bible read in Technicolor.  We can adapt this unique presentation to suit your audience such as:  choosing a fascinating 1-2 hour tour of the land and the people with maps, and visuals; selecting a 30-45 minute Christmas slide presentation for your secular or Christian group detailing the Christmas story; or selecting to hear about the establishment and issues in modern Israel.


Developing Quiet Time in a Hectic World

Life is a matter of priorities.  So how does your time with God fit into your plans?  He is eagerly waiting to talk with you and tell you great and mighty things that you don’t know.

How to Study the Bible

If you come hear a speaker you will only remember 7% of what you hear (or less if you plan your activities for the next day or write out your grocery list :-).  But, if you learn to think, meditate, and study for yourself, you will remember up to 90% of what you read.  This workshop will provide you hands on experience in digging out gems from the Word of God and putting them into practical application in your life.

Uniquely Designed by God

Every Christian receives at least one spiritual gift from God that He wants us to use for His glory.  Do you know what your gift is, what are the characteristics of the gifts and how you can use them?  This interactive workshop helps us see how gifts are to be used and can be misused.


Where Will You Go When You Die?

Everyone will die and everyone will live for eternity.  The only question is -- where will we spend eternity?  This unique, popular, and fascinating two hour presentation details heaven, hell, believers, unbelievers and how each person determines his/her own destiny. 

God’s Dwelling Place With Man

God detailed to Moses the exactness of the tabernacle, which was later replicated in the temple.  Come understand the significance of God’s dwelling place with man and how Jesus Christ fulfills that need.

What Is The Source Of Quarrels In Your Life?

This excellent discussion from James 4 will teach, encourage and equip you as you deal with day to day responsibilities and people.

Living Word Ministries
P.O. Box 540003
Omaha, NE 68154-0003
[email protected]

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