Debbie Diesing Blank










Debbie is a popular Bible teacher and speaker who has a passion for sharing the Word of God with a practical and applicable approach. Her enthusiasm is contagious, imparting to people a desire to study the Word for themselves and to practice it, resulting is a transformed relationship with God. In addition to her classes and seminars, Debbie has authored three prophecy books, hosts a weekly local/national radio program and teaches/hosts tours to the lands of the Bible. She and her husband, Bob, are co-founders of Living Word Ministries. They have two married sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law and two adorable grandchildren, all who reside in Omaha, Nebraska.



Growing up in Omaha in a strong Catholic family and attending Catholic schools, Debbie learned about Jesus Christ at a young age. It was at age 24, however, when she realized that while she had a knowledge of Jesus, she had not committed to follow Him as Lord and Master of her life. By faith, Debbie gave her life totally and wholly to Jesus Christ and confessed Him as Lord (Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 10:9,10; Titus 3:5). Her life, passion, purpose, and focus since that day has been "to walk in a manner worthy of Him, to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 1:9,10).


Debbie graduated summa cum laude from Grace University, Omaha, Nebraska, with a Bachelor of Science Degree with majors in Bible and Management and Organizational Leadership.


Debbie has dedicated her life and ministry to Jesus Christ, her family and friends and her community.  She has used her spiritual gift of administration by serving on the Board of Directors of twenty-five civic organizations and ministries and hundreds of committees, along with providing financial services to ministries and family owned businesses for nearly five decades. 

Over the past forty-five years, Debbie has ministered through her spiritual gift of teaching and discipleship to children, youth and adults. She is a certified Precept Upon Precept Bible Teacher and a certified Evangelical Training Association Instructor. She has a passion for Israel and Bible prophecy so teaches classes on those and other topics along with her weekly Bible studies, radio and TV shows, and teaching on their educational tours to Israel. 

As an active member of her church since 1982, Debbie has taught every age group, and has served in numerous leadership capacities within the church. She and her husband, Bob, have two grown sons, two godly daughters-in-law, and two amazing grandchildren.  


Robert Ralph Blank



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Bob is a multi-talented business man with a heart to reach and disciple other men. He has developed and led numerous area ministries including Promise Keepers Nebraska.




Growing up in Omaha with a Catholic mother and a Jewish father, Bob was exposed to a potpouri of religious information. God used his wife to show him that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. From this new knowledge of Christ, Bob confessed Him as Lord and gave his life to Jesus Christ  (Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 10:9,10; Titus 3:5).


Bob attended the University of Nebraska in Lincoln and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. with special emphasis on business and criminal justice. Bob has attended numerous business seminars relating to franchising, finances, business practices, and restaurant development.


As an entrepreneur, Bob has expansive business expertise and opportunities. He currently runs his own retail and wholesale coffee business. He was the founder and operator of the WC FRANK restaurants, franchising over 120 units in 12 states. He has owned and operated several other businesses including restaurants, a video arcade, equipment company, theaters, Cornhusker Bank of Omaha, and a small advertising company. 


Bob has a heart for men and men's ministry. He has served as the Chairman of Promise Keepers, Nebraska, organized large men's conferences both through his church and through Promise Keepers, conducted Point Man training, spoken at various events and churches throughout Nebraska and Iowa, and assisted churches and ministries in establishing their men's ministries.

Bob strongly believes in the sanctiy of human life so served as President of Nebraskan's United for Life, hosted a daily radio program “Talking About Life,” hosted a weekly radio show "Looking at Life," and currently serves as Chairman of Choose Life Nebraska.


Jacquelyn Hammer Saylors


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Jackie Saylors has an enthusiasm, interest and knowledge for just about everything!!  With a background in journalism and teaching, she serves as Co-Host for the Living Word Ministries national radio show, speaks, teaches and is a BSF discussion leader.  She and her husband, Chuck, are leaders in their church and live in Omaha, NE.  They have three grown sons, a beautiful daughter-in-law and a new grand baby.


Jackie came to Jesus Christ eagerly as a very young child, mostly through watching her beloved mother daily read her Bible and let Jesus infuse her with the strength to raise four daughters on her own.  Sunday School and After School Bible Club also taught Jackie that God is the Father who loves her so much that He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for her sins.  Through the changes and challenges of each stage of life, Jesus is truly the One Who has pulled her through it all!  Two of her life verses are John 3:16 and Romans 8:28.


As a volunteer, Jackie has faithfully ministered in her church for several decades in many capacities including teacher, Junior Choir Director and Newsletter writer and editor.  She currently serves on the Administrative Board, as well as a Lay Speaker and Adult Sunday School leader.  She is a delegate to her denomination's Annual Conference. Jackie is a leader in Bible Study Fellowship and Co-Hosts the Living Word Ministries international radio program. In the past, Jackie was active in PTA as an officer and on the City PTA/PTSA.  She was also a contributor to various school publications. 



Jackie graduated from UNO with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Journalism with a secondary teaching certificate. She has worked as a Junior High and High School teacher, as an Omaha World-Herald Intern, writer for the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a UNO Television Public Affairs Program Host. 


Jan Weihl


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Jan is a dynamic Bible teacher who has a passion for helping others understand God’s Word and how it applies to their lives. Her goal is for people to learn how to study Scripture for themselves and how to share the truths of Scripture and the message of salvation with others. Jan teaches two weekly Bible studies and authors Bible Prophecy Articles and Bible Devotions, which you can read and subscribe at She also serves in several capacities at her local church. Jan and her husband, Chip, live in Omaha, Nebraska. They have three grown daughters and two sons-in-law. 


Jan did not grow up in a Christian home. Her family didn’t attend church or have faith discussions. But after experiencing a couple of close deaths, Jan was sent to stay with other family members who were strong Christians. It was there that Jan first learned about Jesus and saw the joy those family members had, even in difficult times, through their relationship with Christ. So, at 16 years old, Jan gave her life to Jesus and was baptized. Since that day she has continuously dedicated her life to learning all she can about Jesus through His Word. After personally experiencing the difference this made in her own life, Jan grew passionate about sharing the truths of Scripture and the gospel message of salvation with others.


Jan graduated with a bachelor of arts degree from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, Illinois with majors in Computer Science and Spanish and a minor in Mathematics.  Jan is also a certified Precept Upon Precept Bible Teacher through Precept Ministries International and has taken in-depth evangelism training, which she also teaches.


Jan worked in the I.T. industry for almost 20 years as an I.T. software specialist, project manager and branch manager. She supported Fortune 500 companies in Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee across multiple industries including Oil & Gas, Geophysical Exploration, Aerospace, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Agriculture, Chemical, Transportation and Manufacturing. Jan also managed the St. Louis branch of an I.T. solutions firm.


Jan has been teaching Bible studies for 25 years. She started in youth ministry and served multiple churches in southern Illinois and in Nebraska, teaching high school Sunday School and leading middle school and high school youth groups. For the last eight years, Jan has focused her teaching on in-depth Precept Upon Precept adult Bible studies. In addition to teaching, Jan also serves her local church as the Volunteer Coordinator, Welcome Team Leader, Database and Website manager and provides support to the church elders and other staff members as needed.


Arthur L. Lindsay


Arthur L. Lindsay is the author of over a dozen books and is an active public speaker, having spoken in ten countries on four continents. He is a former missionary in Italy and a retired insurance executive.


Though he has many interests, his primary focus is on his own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, he steadily studies and memorizes the Word of God. Second to that, he loves to share with men in one-on-one discipleship training. Additionally he has been involved in prison ministry for more than fifty years.


Arthur is the author of over a dozen books. Five of them are biographies: I Can: Coach Ron Brown’s Search for Success; Not Even a Thread: When a rapist repents …God; One Final Pass: the Brook Berringer story; and I Can 2. There have been four history books: It Takes a Home: Commemorating 90 years of service of People’s City Mission; Most Unusual Packages, the story of Bethphage; A Tree Grows in Lincoln, the story of Christ Temple Church; and his latest book The Dairy. Art has also written two books on ethics for the insurance industry: Don’t Punt and Cover All the Bases; and a novel, Three Wings Against the Monkey.

Art has been a resident of Lincoln, Nebraska since 1988. He is the father of four: Tedrin, Timothy, Linda, and Colin.



Living Word Ministries
P.O. Box 540003
Omaha, NE 68154-0003
[email protected]

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